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二尖瓣 返流


二尖瓣控制心脏左侧上下腔间的血液流动. In a healthy heart, 阀门的两个叶片——像双门一样打开和关闭的襟翼——每次关闭时形成一个紧密的密封, which keeps the blood moving in the right direction. In mitral valve regurgitation, the flaps don't seal well, 这使得血液向后渗漏,迫使心脏更加努力地将血液泵出身体. This can cause shortness of breath and fatigue. 如果回流, or regurgitation, is severe enough, the heart may enlarge over time as a way to maintain blood flow, 这会导致肺动脉高压(肺部的高血压)和心力衰竭.

UCSF 心 阀 Disease Clinic, 介入心脏病专家和心胸外科十大赌博平台排行榜为二尖瓣返流提供全面的护理. Our experts offer the full range of treatments, 从药物治疗到微创瓣膜修复或置换术再到开胸手术.


二尖瓣返流可能是由瓣膜本身的问题引起的, a condition called primary mitral valve regurgitation. The problem may be a birth defect, 风湿热造成的损害,或者最常见的是随着年龄增长瓣膜瓣的恶化.
In secondary (or functional) mitral valve regurgitation, 这种情况是由冠状动脉疾病(心脏动脉狭窄)或心肌病(心脏肌肉疾病)引起的。.

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迹象 & 症状

症状范围很广,因为它们取决于瓣膜的工作情况. If the regurgitation is mild to moderate, people can have the condition for years without experiencing problems. 但如果病情进展严重或发展迅速,症状可能会很严重.

Symptoms may include:

  • Shortness of breath with exertion
  • Shortness of breath when lying down
  • 疲劳
  • Decreased ability to exercise
  • Unpleasant awareness of heartbeat or a fluttering sensation in the chest.
  • Swollen lower extremities (legs, feet and ankles)
  • Swollen abdomen or distended neck veins


我们心脏瓣膜疾病诊所的专家团队合作评估每位患者,并确定满足个人需求的最佳治疗方案. To diagnose mitral valve regurgitation and determine its severity, doctors may order some of the following tests:

  • 血液测试 measure a variety of health-related factors, 比如红细胞数量和电解质水平(元素的数量), such as sodium and potassium, 在血液中). 血液检查还可以提供有关肾脏、肝脏和甲状腺功能的信息. 在某些情况下,血液检查结果会指出心脏问题的原因.
  • 胸部x光检查 show the size of the heart and may reveal fluid buildup in the lungs.
  • Electrocardiogram (EKG) 无痛检查是否用于检测心室增大、心脏病和心律异常. Adhesive electrodes are placed on the skin; wires connect them to a monitor that records the heart's electrical activity.
  • Transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE) is a heart ultrasound in which clear images of the heart's chambers, 通过换能器(发射声波的装置)进入食道获得瓣膜和血流. TEE还可以显示跳动的心脏是否形成血栓.
  • Cardiac catheterization (coronary angiogram) 是否可用于评估瓣膜泄漏的严重程度并排除相关的冠状动脉疾病, particularly in older patients. The doctor threads a catheter (a thin, 可弯曲的管子)通过手腕或腹股沟的血管到达心脏的动脉, and injects a harmless dye that makes the artery visible on X-rays. 这些心脏的详细图像提供了有关其功能和结构健康的信息. 通过导管的微小仪器可以测量心脏腔内的压力.


如果你有轻微的二尖瓣返流,你可能不需要马上治疗. 你的十大赌博平台排行榜会监测你的情况,可能会开一些药物来缓解症状.

如果反流是一个更严重的问题,你可能需要修理或更换阀门. Depending on your heart's condition and your overall health, the doctor will recommend one of the following procedures:

  • Open-heart surgery 严重的二尖瓣返流突然发生或恶化时,可能需要修复或更换病变瓣膜. 这种替代品可以是机械瓣膜,也可以是猪、牛或人类心脏组织制成的瓣膜. 在手术过程中, the patient's heart is temporarily stopped to allow work on the valve, 因此,心肺旁路机用于血液在体内循环.
  • Minimally invasive mitral valve surgery 对于有反流但没有其他严重心脏问题的患者是否可以选择. 外科十大赌博平台排行榜使用一个微型摄像机和可以通过一个小切口的专门仪器来修复瓣膜. As in open-heart surgery, the patient is on a heart-lung bypass machine during the procedure, but the recovery is much faster, with less pain and scarring.
  • Transcatheter mitral valve repair with MitraClip 将导管穿过血管到达二尖瓣以输送减少血液回流的装置是一种微创手术吗. MitraClip在瓣膜的两个瓣上植入,这有助于它们更安全地关闭. Sometimes more than one clip is required. 这个过程不需要在胸部做切口或暂时停止心脏跳动.
  • Transcatheter mitral valve replacement 是否可以推荐给不适合开胸或微创瓣膜修复的患者. In this procedure, 十大赌博平台排行榜通过一根穿过血管的导管将一个可折叠的替代瓣膜送入心脏. 新瓣膜在旧瓣膜内释放,接管控制血液流动的工作. Because this is not a standard treatment, potential recipients may need to undergo further evaluation, such as a CT scan or other procedures.

加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. 它仅用于教育目的,并不打算取代您的十大赌博平台排行榜或其他医疗保健提供者的建议. 我们鼓励您与您的供应商讨论您可能遇到的任何问题或疑虑.

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